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Pasha Ungu

Pasha Ungu
pasha ungu

Pasha is a vocalist Ungu band
Its original name was Said Syamsudin Sigit Purnomo
Birthday: Donggala, 27 November 1979
E-mail: pasha@unguband.com
Join the Ungu: November 1998
Prev: with other bands
Musical instruments: Drums, Bass, Guitar Rhytm
Height / weight: 173cm/60kg
Favorite musician: Makki, Gesang
Favorite Color: Blue
Graduates: ABA-ABI
Wife: Okky Agustina Sofyan (ex-wife)
And from the marriage blessed with Okky Agustina Children:
- Alfaro's son Sigit Kisya,
- Shakinah Adeliaputri Napasha


  1. ungu kpn manggung di the jungle

  2. icha _96 bogor2/27/2010 2:02 pm

    ungu maju terus ok jngn lupa yupppppppssssssss manggung di the jungle

  3. para cliquers kosgoro2/27/2010 2:05 pm

    ungu di smp sma kosgoro buanyak bngt loeee yg ngefanssssssss ama ungu

  4. ungu kapan mau manggung lagi di bandung???? di tunggu yah,,, juga album barunya,,,,
    Owh yah bwt para cliquers bwt yg age jomblo bisa add facebook aq,,, di alan.smanty@yahoo.com
    tau tlpn di nope aq:085659935618
