Ungu albums 2009; Penguasa Hati
Aku dan Tuhanku Agustus 2008
Trinity Optima Production / Suria Records
Old-making: 2.5 months
Sold 150 thousand copy (2 days)
Para PencariMu September 2007
Trinity Optima Production / Suria Records
SurgaMu September 2006
Trinity Optima Production / Suria Records
Sold 150 thousand copies (10 days), 400rb (1.5 months)
Untukmu Selamanya Agustus 2007
Trinity Optima Production / Suria Records
Melayang December 11, 2005
Trinity Optima Production / Suria Records
Old-making: 1.5 yrs
Sold 100 thousand copies (2 weeks), 150rb (1 month),
300 thousand (2 months), 350 thousand (3 months), 900 thousand (9 months)
Tempat Terindah Desember 2003
Bar Production / Hemaswara (Musica Group)
Old-making: 6 months
150 thousand copies sold
Laguku July 6, 2002
Bar Production / Hemaswara (Musica Group)
Sold 150 thousand copies (2 yrs
* Bayang Semu (Think Artificial)
* Karena Dia Kamu (Because He You)
* Demi Waktu (By the time)
* Seperti Yang Dulu (As The First)
* Surgamu
* Disini Untukmu (Here's for you)
* Dengan NafasMu (2008)
* Enjoy Your Life (single Promotion Suzuki, 2008)
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